Chinese Painting Network.

Main business: Chinese painting, landscape, figures, scenery, animals




Material: Rice paper (mounted), solid wood frame, Solid wood back, glass surface
Size: 67 x 35 cm (with frame)

SKU: 981 分类:


The works of famous teachers usually imply smooth sailing, symbolizing that they can move forward smoothly in life without obstacles, while the people on the ship often represent the harmonious relationship with nature, conveying the concept of harmonious coexistence between people and nature, and symbolizing a happy and happy life

Note: If you need to buy a painting, in the second box in the black box there are company account coordinates, enter the account coordinates! After the transfer, leave your artwork SKU and home address! And a contact number! Customer service after checking the payment! Goods will be delivered within 3 to 7 days, we will provide you with international express and customs declaration form. thank you!
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