Chinese Painting Network.

Main business: Chinese painting, landscape, figures, scenery, animals


Treasure bowl


Size: 150 x 80 cm
Note: The painting is hand-painted and has been exhibited in museums,

SKU: 999 分类:


The artist has 26 years of experience, and once served as the deputy director of the Art museum. The Cornucopone symbolizes wealth, good luck and prosperity, and its basic meaning means that it can gather wealth, bring good luck, attract wealth and breed wealth. In Feng shui, the cornucopone is regarded as an important feng shui decoration, which can gather wealth.

Note: If you need to buy a painting, in the second box in the black box there are company account coordinates, enter the account coordinates! After the transfer, leave your artwork SKU and home address! And a contact number! Customer service after checking the payment! Goods will be delivered within 3 to 7 days, we will provide you with international express and customs declaration form. thank you!
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